Children's birthday in Odense or Herning sound study -----
Ved både drenge og piger inviteret tillægges 500 kr til de angivne priser
- Arrival, games, entertainment, songs in microphones and recording of these
- We provide service (tablecloths, cups, plates, etc.) as well as decorating the studio
- You bring your own food and drink.
- Price for this package is DKK 2,000 incl. VAT (this package is a 2 hour event)
- Arrival, games, entertainment, songs in microphones and recording of these
- We provide service (tablecloths, cups, plates, etc.) as well as decorating the studio
- You bring your own food and drink.
- 1 number of those the children sing is selected which is used to record a cool music video
- Price for this package is 2300 kr. Incl. VAT. DKK 2,400 for 2 births. (lasts 2.5 hours)
- Arrival, games, entertainment, songs in microphones and recording of these
- We provide service (tablecloths, cups, plates, etc.) as well as decorating the studio
- We provide brownies and organic buns * as well as organic juice
- 1 number of the children sings is selected which is used to record a great music video
- Price for this package is DKK 3,500 incl. VAT .. (lasts 2.5 hours)
- Arrival, games, entertainment, songs in microphones and recording of these
- We provide service (tablecloths, cups, plates, etc.) as well as decorating the studio
- We provide brownies and organic buns * as well as organic juice
- 1 number of those the children sing is selected which is used to record a cool music video
- The birthday child * gets music and video on a DVD, with cover image, for eternal physical memory
- Photos are taken along the way with a professional camera.
- All photos are edited and handed out as a nice photo book *
Price for this package is 4000 DKK incl. VAT. ( If you only want 2 hours, the price is DKK 3,700)
- Arrival, games, entertainment, songs in microphones and recording of these
- We provide service (tablecloths, cups, plates, etc.) as well as decorating the studio
- We provide brownies and organic buns * as well as organic juices and sodas
- 1 number of those the children sing is selected which is used to record a cool music video
- The birthday child * gets music and video on a DVD, with cover image, for eternal physical memory
- Photos are taken along the way with a professional camera. All photos are edited and handed out as a nice photo book *
- There will be a gift for all the kids
- 4 dressed up from Odense Lydstudie will entertain the children and create the wildest children's birthday
- There will be a big surprise of the day, video with confetti tubes and a studio being transformed
- Video is filmed along the way and video is cut together so you have everything important from the day.
- Price for this package is 9900 DKK incl. VAT.
In all packages
* We have room for a maximum of 24 children pr. birthday
* The event lasts 2 / 2.5 hours as standard
* There will be a gift to the birther (s)
* We provide games, entertainment and being around the kids. So we recommend that you
slips out and drinks a cup of coffee when the kids are handed over and comes back a few hours later :)
For packages 3, 4 and 5
* Organic buns (2 pcs / guest) are served with butter and jam
For packages 4 and 5
* Do you want to bring your own food and drink DKK 500 is deducted from the price.
* There is only 1 photo book, if more copies are required, it costs DKK 350 / each.